Utilization Review

The Optimal Utilization Review program reviews proposed diagnostic and treatment plans to determine appropriateness, frequency, duration, and care setting. Our consultants for utilization review include medical directors and board-certified physicians who help to eliminate unnecessary procedures and associated costs.

Our program is enhanced by our expert systems technology and the use of nationally recognized protocols.

Optimal services in this program include:

  • Prospective review
  • Retrospective review
  • Concurrent review
  • Second opinions

Optimal does this by introducing pathways for appropriate imaging, introduced in both one-on-one and group settings. Guidelines are developed from the clinician’s perspective with attention placed on simplicity and user-friendly status. In the event that a patient’s condition does not fall within established parameters, subspecialty Optimal Radiologists available for consultation to determine which, if any, imaging modalities would most effectively expedite an accurate diagnosis.

Continuing education programs are also offered to assist providers in understanding the most cost effective way to manage a patient’s imaging study.


Please contact us for testimonials on this OIS Service.